Tabling in the Community

Tabling at a community event can be a fun and easy way to spread awareness about a cause. If there is an organization that works with your cause, they are often happy to send you materials to pass out at tabling events. All you have to do is contact the organization to request materials for your event. Often, these materials are available online in the form of PDFs ready for you to print and distribute. If having your own tabling event seems daunting, start by volunteering for local organizations that are tabling at events to familiarize yourself with engaging the public.

Below are some tips on effective tabling and ideas on good places to table:

Tips for effective tabling

  • Make sure you have permission to table wherever you are.
  • Choose a location that is central and safe to ensure that your event gets a lot of attention.
  • Ask family members, teachers, or friends if they will help you table. It is a good idea to have 2-3 people at your table and at least one adult.
  • Be open and friendly and don’t be afraid to ask passersby if they would like to hear about your cause.
  • Do your research and prepare to answer questions about your subject when people visit your table.
  • Have something eye-catching at your table. Your video from the student video contest is a great tool to get people’s attention!
  • Prepare education materials to view and pass out at your table so everyone has the opportunity to leave with some new knowledge and/or resources
  • Collect email addresses from those who show interest so that you can follow up with them and send them more information on your cause. Following up is a great way to engage with people who care about your cause.
  • Have a good time! Supporting a cause and telling others about why your cause is important to you should be fun!

Good places to hold a tabling event

  • Weekly farmers’ markets
  • County fairs
  • Earth Day fairs
  • Local music festivals
  • Holiday gatherings (e.g. parades)