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Frequently Asked Questions

About the Contest
Who can enter?

Any middle or high school student (grade 6-12, or the international equivalent) is free to enter. This includes students in public, private, and homeschool programs.

Students may be located anywhere in the world. Videos in languages other than English are welcome, but they must include English subtitles. Make sure to double check for typos as spelling errors can lead to video disqualification.

What are the prizes?

Awards will be presented as follows:

Global Finalists

Videos that were chosen as global finalists for each topic will be awarded a $80 prize for high school and $50 prize for middle school.

State Honor

50 prizes will be awarded to the best video in each state.

International by Region Honor

Seven prizes will be awarded to the best international video by world region (Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean).

When is the deadline for submissions?

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis from the opening of the contest on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 – Wednesday, March 5th, 2025.

All entries must be uploaded by 11:59 pm EST on Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

How many people can work on one video?

There is no limit to the number of students who can work on a video. However, one student must be listed as the Lead Producer on the entry form. Recognition and prizes will be given to the lead producer and all those listed as co-producers on the entry form.

How many entries can I submit?

As many as you want! We will judge each entry individually. Keep in mind, it is better to spend more time perfecting one great video than turning in several mediocre videos.

Can entries be disqualified?

Yes. If there is inappropriate content, use of copyrighted materials, problems with length, or lack of the appropriate forms, we will have to disqualify your entry. If you are unsure whether an item is copyrighted or inappropriate, run it by your parents or teachers. If there are still questions, just don’t use it. Better safe than sorry!

Please note: Winning videos must pass through a fact-checking process. If any claims are unclear or cannot be understood, the video may be disqualified. Consider adding subtitles if you are unsure about audio quality. But make sure to check for typos! Spelling errors may also lead to your entry being disqualified.

What is the World of 8 Billion contest's policy on AI?

Our policy is that students create an original video and that the creative concept should be theirs alone. All of the research, script writing, filming and choosing of content should be done by them. The use of AI to assist in the creation of images, animations or voiceover is acceptable.

How involved can parents/guardians be?

This is a high school and middle school student contest, and therefore, all of the research, writing, and editing should be done by students. If you want a parent or teacher to act in your film or hold the camera while you act, that is fine. However, you are the director of your film and all content should be yours alone!

Are contest resources available in my language?

World of 8 Billion supports automatic translation of our website content in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, and Chinese (Simplified). You can access the translated versions of the website using the globe icon dropdown in our main menu. Some resources, such as PDF’s, and image-based text, will not have translation available.

All video entries however must either be submitted in English or, if in another language, include English subtitles.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions. You can also ask your teacher for guidance or extra resources.

Planning Your Script
What will I be judged on?

The videos will be judged by topic with winners in each global topic area. See the World of 8 Billion Judging Rubric for more details about how the entries will be judged.

I’ve never created a video before – can you help me organize my message?

Yes! We offer the Video Project Organizer for exactly this reason. The Organizer will walk you step-by-step through the process of selecting an issue to focus on and connecting it to population, developing a solution, writing your script, and even filming and editing your video. Visit our Tips for Your Video Entry page for additional help and useful links.

I don’t know much about these global topics. Where can I learn more? Can you give me some ideas about where to start?

Begin with the Topic Overview associated with your global topic (you can find them here: Child Wellbeing, Rainforest Ecosystems, and Sanitation) – they provide a broad look at the topics and will help you choose which to focus on. Then head over to the Background Readings and learn about some of the subtopics associated with your chosen global topics. The Background Readings include information, statistics, and great sources for doing further research.

Before You Film
What equipment do I need?

You can use any equipment that you have. Use a still camera to make a photo montage or stop-motion animation, or use a smartphone or video camera to make a motion picture. When you are putting your media together, there are several types of editing software that you can use. iMovie comes free on all Macs and is very easy to use. Ask your teacher if your school has access to a Mac computer lab. If you have a PC with Windows 10 or 11, it should already have Video Editor installed. You can view a selection of free video editing software and apps on our blog. However, these are a little more technical and may require some time to learn how to use. Remember that we are judging entries based more on content than on style, and so you shouldn’t worry if you don’t have experience with these technologies. You can make a great video with even the most basic equipment.

Is it okay to make my video using my cellphone?

Yes! A smart phone is a great tool for making video entries. There are many apps available that can make the recording and editing process easier for you.

What forms do I need to fill out, and where should I send them?

You will need to fill out the online Entry Form when you upload your video (you’ll be prompted to the form after you click the “Upload” button).

Students in middle school or under the age of 13 in the U.S. and all international students must fill out the parent/guardian participation consent form and upload it to their video submission to be eligible for the contest.

If your video is chosen as a finalist, you will need to submit a signed Video Release Form and a signed Actor Release Form (for each person who appears in your video). Finalist videos CANNOT be awarded a prize unless the necessary forms are received.

In what format should I submit my project?

All videos should be entered in digital format. We will not accept audio-only recordings or videos recorded on VHS tapes.

While we like MP4 the best, we will generally accept any of the following formats: 3g2, 3gp, 3gp2, 3gpp, asf, asx, avi, divx, mts, m2t, m2ts, m2v, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, mpe, mpeg, mpg, ogg, wmv.

Editing Your Project
Can I use copyrighted materials?

No copyrighted materials (music, images, etc.) may be used for this contest unless you own the copyright or have a license to use the material. Written permission must be obtained and provided upon request for all copyrighted materials. The improper use of copyrighted materials will result in disqualification.

All other images and resources should be cited as requested by the author. You may write your own music or use “stock” music that is included in some editing software. If you choose to write your own music, make sure you have the composer sign the Actor Release Form.

Do I need to cite my sources?

Yes. If your video is chosen as a finalist, you will be required to submit a works cited list of all sources used. This list should be cited using a method of your choice (MLA, APA, Harvard, etc.) and not just website links.  You do not need to include a list of citations in the video itself.

How do I submit my video?

Once you have perfected your video, upload your video using the submission form. First, fill out the online entry form information. Then, you’ll need to browse your computer files, choose your video, and upload just as you would an email attachment. Let us know if you have any technical problems.

After You Submit
Will I receive feedback on my video entry?

We wish that we could give every student direct feedback, but due to the number of entries, only the winning videos will receive feedback on the content of their entry.

When will finalists be chosen?

Finalists from each global topic area will be notified in April of 2025. Being chosen as a finalist means that your video is one of the top 10 videos (high school) or top 6 videos (middle school) and will go on to be judged by our panel of experts. There will not be a general announcement of finalists.

When will winners be announced?

All winners will be notified directly no later than Tuesday, May 20, 2025. A complete list of winners, along with the winning videos, will be posted at www.Worldof8Billion.org.