The World of 8 Billion Challenge
Create a one minute video that addresses one of this year’s global topics, suggests a sustainable solution, and connects how human population growth impacts that topic.
Submission deadline: March 5, 2025
Create a 1 minute video

Suggest a sustainable solution(s)
(can be new or existing)

And connect how human population growth impacts that topic

Videos are judged by topic. Within each topic, awards will be presented as follows:
High School (9th-12th)
First Place winner receives
Second Place winner receives
Two Honorable Mention winners receive
Middle School (6th-8th)
First Place winner receives
Second Place winner receives
Global Finalists
Videos that were chosen as global finalists for each topic will be awarded a $80 prize for high school and a $50 prize for middle school.
International by Region Honor
Seven prizes will be awarded to the best video by world region (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean).
State Honor
50 prizes will be awarded to the best video in each U.S. state.
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