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Project Organizer

The Project Organizer is an interactive tool to help organize your video plan, individually or collaboratively as a team!

world of 8 billion project organizer cover

What’s Inside?

Inside the Project Organizer, you’ll find links to a variety of resources, tips, and curated information for each step of the video-making process. The organizer is set up like a notebook, so you can easily switch between different steps and reference what you’ve already done, like going back to your outline and research as you write your script.

Choose a topic




Connect population


Develop solutions




Write a Script


Film your video


Edit your footage




Plan Out Group Work

If you’re participating in the World of 8 Billion contest as a group, you’ll also find tools to make it easier to plan things out. The project timeline and group responsibilities pages at the beginning of the organizer can help you set responsibilities for each member.

How to Create Your Own Copy


Access the Digital Version of the Project Organizer

Access the Digital Version

Select File > Make a copy > Entire Presentation

screenshot of instructions to copy the project organizer

Add group members as editors and collaborators by using the share button and adding each group member’s email address.

If you don’t use Google Docs, you can download the PDF version of the Project Organizer instead!

Download as a PDF

Video Project Guide

If you don’t want or need all of the additional resources in the Project Organizer, the Video Project Guide can help you stay organized in a smaller package. This two-page document offers a quick outline to help you stay organized as you work through the video-making process.

Access the Digital Version
Download as a PDF