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2015 Winners

Worldwide 1 in 10 Primary School Age Children and 1 in 3 Secondary Age Children are not Enrolled in School

Universal Education and How It Gives Everyone a Fair Chance

Matthew Buxton

The Waterford School, Sandy, UT

Matthew Buxton is a freshman at The Waterford School in Sandy, UT and it was there, in his AP Human Geography class, that the contest was assigned as an optional project. Matthew’s own schooling experience inspired him to submit a video covering the global education challenge. “Education is important to me because I feel that I go to such a great school and everyone deserves that.” He thinks the implications of schooling and learning need to be discussed more, particularly better solutions that would provide education for all.

When Matthew began researching population and global education his eyes were opened. He shared, “I wasn’t aware how much population will affect people in the future.” Matthew knew he wanted to create an animation because he thought it would capture the attention of his viewers. But being the first video he’s ever produced, actually putting together his film did require some research on both animation and filmmaking in general.

When Matthew isn’t pursuing his own education he can be found tutoring 7th graders in math, volunteering, or baking. He also teaches Karate after school and is on his school’s crew team. Perhaps the biggest testament to Matthew’s passion about education is his super power of choice: the ability to reach and educate everyone about the world’s problems.

Universal Education and How It Gives Everyone a Fair Chance

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