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2020 High School Winners

2020 Ensuring Economic Opportunities

Urban Greenhouse Grocery Stores

Isabelle Job and Sophie Jeffery

Pingree School South Hamilton, Massachusetts

Isabelle Job and her co-producer, Sophie Jeffrey, are seniors at the Pingree School in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. They found out about the video contest when it was assigned as a project in their AP Environmental Science class. Isabelle and Sophie knew pretty early on they wanted to submit a video in the Ensuring Economic Opportunities category because of their passion for gardening. Isabelle started a community garden club at Pingree School her sophomore year, which utilizes the greenhouse featured in her video! In doing research on their video topic, they were surprised by what they learned. “People are limited in what they can eat given their financial situations, there are limited opportunities for people to get produce that is fresh”, Isabelle said.

Isabelle and Sophie enjoyed the video production process, but admit experiencing some challenges, stating, “We didn’t have any video making experience prior, but we worked really hard to make the video. We spent a long time building the greenhouse and props featured in the video. It all came together in the end!” The two producers haven’t won any monetary rewards for previous projects, but the learning garden they started in their gardening club won a Green Difference Award from Project Green Schools. Their advice for future contest participants is, “Pick a topic that you are really passionate about, something you’re already involved with, something that will impact the broader community!” Isabelle and Sophie aren’t quite sure yet what they’ll do with the prize money and are considering donating to the Accord Food Pantry, an organization their school’s garden club already has a partnership with.

Isabelle’s love for gardening isn’t limited to school hours. She is currently growing a kitchen garden at home as an assignment for an extra-curricular gardening class. Caring for her tomato seedlings has kept her busy at home, as school has transitioned to distance learning. Isabelle and Sophie are athletes as well; Isabelle swims and rows, and Sophie is a competitive figure skater.

Urban Greenhouse Grocery Stores

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