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2015 Winners

The World is in The Midst of a Sixth Mass Extinction

We Did This to Ourselves

Elizabeth Hwang

Pullman High School, Pullman, WA

Elizabeth Hwang, a 9th grader at Pullman High School in Pullman, WA, learned about the contest through her Multimedia teacher but it was her parents’ work in the Biology department at a local university that inspired her choice of video topic. Elizabeth knew there are natural fluctuations in biodiversity, but stresses that “what humans are doing is unnatural and it’s important that our world remains biodiverse.” And while she didn’t know about the sixth mass extinction, Elizabeth is concerned we’re harming the planet more than we’ve been helping it.

As a newcomer to the filmmaking scene, Elizabeth spent a lot of time watching videos related to her topic and was drawn to animation. Tackling stop-motion animation involved drawing pictures, scanning and printing them, and finally cutting them out to set up frames. Elizabeth’s approach focused on content and she recommends that future participants focus on their content and message as well to ensure a strong message.

Elizabeth utilized free trials of video production and graphic design programs in her video and hopes to purchase the full versions with her prize money. She enjoys drawing, running track, playing soccer, and is involved in Key Club. Aware of the disadvantages existing on the earth, Elizabeth would use a superpower to help relieve some of the pain in the world.

We Did This to Ourselves

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