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How to Volunteer for a Campaign or Political Organization

Just because you’re not 18 doesn’t mean you can’t get involved in politics! One of the best ways to be active in advocacy work is to volunteer for a political candidate or political organization that supports causes you care for. By volunteering, you can gain firsthand experience in standing up for what you care about!

  1. Decide how much time you have to volunteer. The great thing about being a volunteer is that you can decide how many hours you’re willing to commit to. Just make sure you are being realistic about how much time you can allocate to your cause, so the organization you volunteer for can optimize the time you’re working.
  1. Find an organization or campaign that interests you and make sure they accept teen volunteers. Google your organization to see if they have a chapter near you that you can work with. You could also call or visit your candidate’s local office and express your interest in volunteering. If you’re eligible to volunteer for them, they’ll be highly appreciative for your help.
  1. Decide which mode of volunteering you like best. Volunteering covers a wide spectrum of opportunities. From phone banking to canvassing, social media to tabling, there are plenty of ways to help. Tell your supervisor about your skills and let them know where you feel you could be of best use!
  1. Expand your horizons beyond national elections. We know how important national elections are. However, local and state elections are often forgotten about, despite having important implications for your community, as well as national policy. Even local school board elections determine what you do and do not learn in school! Find out more about the different types of elections
  1. Realize that your work is meaningful! Even though you can’t vote in an election, your volunteer work is still capable of influencing the outcome of your cause in tangible ways, just as a literal vote could. Stay informed and active.