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Announcing Our 2022-2023 World of 8 Billion Winners!

We are excited to announce the 2022-2023 World of 8 Billion student video contest winners!

This year over 3,100 videos were created from all over the world and we were so impressed with the innovative solutions to this year’s global challenges of climate change, gender equality, and waste.

Eighteen videos stood out to our judges among all of the incredible videos that were received. These winning videos featured topics like battery technology to cut down on emissions that cause climate change, free maternal healthcare and menstrual products, and creating a circular food industry to cut back on waste.

This year’s winners really showed their creativity through film. Our judges were impressed with the incredible production quality, from stop motion techniques with clothing and legos, to green screens that immersed viewers into the content, and original drawings and artwork.

Some advice our winners have for future contest participants is to:

  • spend time researching and dive into topics that are unique and will stand out
  • choose a topic that is personal to you which will help you connect with the audience
  • take the time to write your script before filming
  • revise your script to be as concise as possible
  • think about how your images and film editing can help tell your story

To learn more about our student winners, watch their videos, and view a complete list of the winners, global finalists and state/regional honors, visit – worldof8billion.org/winners-2023/

Congratulations to everyone that participated in the World of 8 Billion contest this year. We hope you continue to be global changemakers and can’t wait to see the creative solutions you come up with next!