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Pheromone Biocontrol: The Sweet Smell of Success

What is a Storyboard? How Will It Help Me Create a Winning Video?

Making a storyboard is a helpful technique when planning your video. A storyboard is a sequence of images accompanied by…

Photo of black pen on paper

What Teachers Say About the World of 8 Billion Contest – Tips & Advice

We recently had a webinar where three teachers who use the World of 8 Billion contest in their classroom shared…

Animation, Content Creation, and Video Editing Tools – Advice from Past World of 8 Billion Winners

Looking for the right software to create or edit your World of 8 Billion video? With so many tools out…

Closeup woman hands typing on laptop keyboard.

How to Decide What to Include in Your 60 Second World of 8 Billion Video

For the World of 8 Billion video contest, you have 60 seconds to share your message. Whether that seems like…

Students working together in classroom (2013-01-26 Education Rainbow Challenge 238 by dynamojon is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Child Wellbeing: An Introduction to This Year’s Global Topic

Child wellbeing encompasses anything that makes children healthy, safe, and happy. This could be related to their education, the food…

child wellbeing illustration

Rainforest Ecosystems: An Introduction to This Year’s Global Topic

Rainforests are the oldest living ecosystems on our planet. Some rainforests present today are more than 70 million years old!…

rainforest ecosystems illustration

Sanitation: An Introduction to This Year’s Global Topic

Sanitation and clean water access are recognized as human rights by the United Nations, but access to well-managed sanitation systems…

sanitation illustration

Funds for Teachers Participating in Student Video Contest

Teachers interested in having students participate in the 2024-2025 World of 8 Billion student video contest are invited to apply…

teacher working with high school students

World of 8 Billion Contest History

The World of 8 Billion student video contest opens again on September 3rd, 2024 for its 14th year of challenging…

Image of the World of 8 Billion logos on top of a world map.