Using the Media

Share your Video

Share your World of 8 Billion video with friends and family on social media!

student recording herself for a video

Write a Letter to an Editor

Writing a letter to an editor can help educate people about the impacts of your cause. You can write a letter to the editor of your school paper. Here are some tips to help you get started, and a sample letter.

student smiling and reading notes in notebook

Using Social Media

Use social media to let people know about causes you care about.

Social media can be an incredibly helpful tool in bringing awareness to your cause or putting pressure on authority figures to invoke change.

student smiling at her cell phone

Using Podcasts and YouTube

Start a podcast or use your newfound video skills to start a  YouTube channel to broadcast your thoughts to a larger audience. Or use TikTok to share shorter clips and videos!

woman and gentleman speaking into microphones for podcast

More Ways to Take Action

group of kids working on project in class

Model Your Message

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group of friends planting new trees

Making Changes in Your Community

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group of kids in school smiling for portrait

Making Changes in Your School

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group of friends volunteering and packaging food

Fundraising for Your Cause

I’m Ready
group of students laughing at cell phone

Using the Media

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woman on stage speaking to an audience

Influencing Lawmakers

I’m Ready